Joe Hicks will be our guest speaker on the 28th. We will be discussing Race in the Race.

Condoleezza Rice is not black; she’s an Uncle Tom, which is the same for all black Republicans, they’re all traitors to their race. She should be held up as a role model for the advancement of race relations in America but instead she is vilified because she is not a Democrat.
Obama grew up half white with his white mother and his white grandparents but now everyone believes he has the soul of black slaves. Obama is not a descendant of slaves and he was raised in a white middleclass neighborhood. America is in unchartered territory -- the far left owns the Democrats.
Obama’s roots were steeped in Communism and he was brainwashed to believe that state coerced equality is supreme -- except if you’re a white racist Republican, "You don't get a say!" Obama started off his campaign as a post-racial candidate until the “First Black President” Bill Clinton compared him to Jesse Jackson… That’s really harsh Bill… but we forgive you, cause you're a Democrat.
Why aren't Republicans standing up for post-racial principles such as integration and equality of race and gender? Not all Republican’s are wossies, there are a few exceptions. When I ran for office I declared that I was colorblind and we should all judge each other not by race or gender but by character, ability and talent. My campaign staff had a fit and advised against it. I didn’t listen – I couldn’t – this is how my parents raised me. (I was running against a black female hard core socialist)
Martin Luther King’s famous line about color, gender and character should be the proverbial 11th Commandment.
Republicans are doomed -- no, we are all doomed -- unless we can figure out how to overcome this challenge.
If I may suggest a solution to this problem of racism in America (aside from firing most of the Republican leadership for dereliction of duty) – let’s talk about slavery, the abolitionists, the Civil War, civil rights, women's rights -- BRAND THE FACTS -- make them LOUD and CLEAR. The Republicans have been post-racial since winning the Civil War - it has been the Democrats that have survived off purposeful division and hate.
The Democrats don't care if Obama is post-racial; it was the Republicans being targeted by Obama's snake oil & charm. It was our hopes and dreams that Democrats were finally coming around. But after Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, and his wife Michelle, did we, in fact, get to see the real Obama.
So let us grab this opportunity and start pushing our values to America as we go forward from here -- God, Country, Family, Free Markets, a strong Military and the 11th Commandment -- these are what made our country great.
1 comment:
Why are you bent on division? Old politics is gone.... it has gone to live in Yesterday, and will never be back TODAY. This generation has come and divided itself from the former, and the disconnect is so great, that the former do not know what to do. They resort to what they knew to work in the past, LIES AND FEAR. What else do you have? Nothing else. It is pretty sad that the only weapons that you have are perceived weapons and not actual weapons at all. IT'S TIME THAT WE ACCEPT CHANGE. It's inevitable IJN. Accept it, or be left behind...FOR SURE! {hand pound}
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