Monday, November 10, 2008
LARA – Congratulates President-elect Obama. Now I have a few questions…
Jeffers M. Dodge
Before I start I would like to reflect on what an historical moment November 4th was… one that will live forever. The first American President from African descent fired the imagination and inspiration of millions all over the world.
Our country is now in his hands to either govern in the center by using free market capitalism and continue this great experiment in Republican Government or try and prove Marx and Engle right and in doing so, like all other experiments in socialism before him, destroy the best economic system free men have ever developed?
Will our enemies such as the Islamic fundamentalist and the extreme Nationalist and Marxist Revolutionaries lay down their arms and join our cause… or will they challenge Barack Hussein Obama to submit to Allah. Obama and his cronies are Islamic Socialists until proven otherwise. How can I accuse him of this? Barrack Hussein Obama admits it when he uttered the words “Spread the Wealth.”
Another question to ask about the chosen one: Do we give him a chance to succeed or do we stick it to him right out of the Box?
Personally, I think we wait until his second day in office… then we ask him the following questions;
Was his election a mandate on banning off shore drilling?
Was his election a mandate on bankrupting the coal industry?
Was his election a mandate on sharing my wealth?
In these times of economic stress who should suffer; the government, in the form of spending cuts, or the people by raising taxes?
In addition I would like a discussion about the institutions and values that propelled him to victory, i.e., the media, economy, freedom of choice and equality.
1. Do you think he would have won the election if it were not for the complete capitulation of the media? (other than Fox News) In other words did the Main Stream Media lose their Left Wing ideological credibility by not giving both sides the same objective leg tingling coverage? Or did the MSM become cheerleaders to a person that can finally win a landslide victory against the mighty Republican political machine?
2. Do you think Barack Obama would have won the election if it were not for the burst of the real-estate bubble? (What Political Parties economic principles were primarily responsible for the collapse?)
3. Do you think that when the economy is doing great under a Republican Administration the MSM does its best to talk it down -- to try and diminish it to give a leg-up for their anti-freemarket socialist ideology? For instance according to the MSM we have been in a recession for two years, where in fact, technically we are not in a recession and we have just had the greatest period of wealth creation in the history of the planet. Our GDP grew from $9 trillion at the end of the year 2000 to $14 trillion by the end of 2008. All thanks to George W. Bush and his super bad cronies.
Equality and Choice are big Left Wing values always swaying in the righteous wind.
Government cannot force equalization of talent, feelings, education and therefore wealth. By doing so makes the poor lazy and the successful disinclined. So what inspires innovation under a socialist system? The simple answer is idealism. This is the energy of youth and is shaped and focused by educational institutions. Graduates from Left Wing Indoctrination Universities come out ready to make a killing and are picked up and exploited by big business. This idealism is a great motivator until competition kicks in and the only reward you get for your brilliance is the expectation of brilliance and disappointment for anything less and to watch those younger and prettier get the only meaningful compensation that you once had; attention from their elder elitist party member bosses with their corner offices and apartments.
In a Free-Market system the cream of the crop rises to the top and continues the success of the business -- expanding markets, creating jobs and producing the ultimate American value; success. In a socialist system competition and choice is denied and oppressed which stymies innovation and expansion. This is the legacy of misdirected and dishonorable greed disguised as altruism. Achieving great personal success for yourself first then your family and your community is the greatest form of altruism. Charity starts at home!
It is time for Republicans to be reflective and to clean house.
The ex RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman recognized this after the 2006 debacle and stepped down. Yet the status quo was somehow maintained. This would have never happened in a corporate structure. There is no democracy in a Political Party structure; it is and should be structured like a business but when failure occurs as in the case of 2006 and 2008 either the Party should dissolve itself or management should be fired.
That means those that failed in 2006 and did not step aside, dishonored the Republican Party and the values and principles it stands on.
I personally witnessed the idealized youth taking key roles in the RNC making choice not for the cause but primarily for their resumes. For instance regional headquarter leaders choosing not to promote phone banking at home because the headquarters where they lead are competing with each other to see how many phone calls come from their staff. In other words it was their personal objectives not what was best for the cause. They never realized the pent up energy of all the Republicans that wanted so desperately to help win this election but were confined to schedules and responsibilities of work, faith and families.
But it is also important to understand that everything happens in generational cycles. Our economy, our culture and our psychology. Blatant critique and/or statements of facts can be like a sward cutting through the thick fabric of denial. To the child it can sound punishing, to an adult it can sound condescending and to a teacher it is downright emasculating… but sometimes it needs to be stated not diplomatically but directly.
In the end, it will be the owners and editors of the MSM that will pick our leaders, shape our opinion and rule the world.
Was this election a mandate on banning off shore drilling?
Was this election a mandate on bankrupting the coal industry?
Was this election a mandate on shearing my wealth?
In the times of economic stress who should suffer the government in the form of cutting spending or the people by raising taxes.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the complete and utter incompetence of the RNC leadership starting with the kowtowing and capitulation to the Main Stream Media (MSM). A case in point; who at the RNC allowed CNN and YouTube staffers to choose the questions for the Republican Primary Debates. That is like letting your opponent call your plays in a football game. It was a debate among Republican candidates discussing issues that matter to Republicans, not a bunch of Marxist yahoos sitting around a desk picking questions that made a mockery out o the Republican Party… Unbelievable.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Why does it seem that our government is doing everything it can to keep our southern border open? Or to put it another way, doing very little to aggressively secure our borders? To me it is beyond logic.
Maybe to understand this we need to understand more about modern American politics.
Many politicians, whose campaigns live or die on financial contributions made by special interest are not altruistic, they scratch your back as long as you scratch theirs. I should know. When I carried the flag for the Republicans in 2006 for the 47th Assembly District, I was told with no uncertain terms that I would vote whichever way they told me to vote or they would fund my democratic opponent’s campaign. Boy did that open my eyes.
When I was introduced to the long line of lobbyist and special interest groups they all had the same question: What are my three main issues? And knowing exactly what each of them (restaurant, Indian casinos, agriculture and banking to name a few) wanted to hear I instead told them what my constituents wanted me to tell them; illegal immigration, the economy and education, in that order. I told them that these three issues could be greatly improved by one over arching solution. SECURING THE BORDER.
Chris Simcox, a co-founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, has emerged as one of the preeminent spokespersons against illegal immigration. Put aside the negative consequences to our economy, it is the human toll that drives this man. Drug lords are smuggling their product over the border on the backs of foreign nationals. Women and children are being trafficked across the border as sex slaves. Humans are stuffed into vans and driven for days without stopping for water or bathroom breaks in the heat of summer… many don’t make it. Lax border security and local laws, like SpecialOrder40, attract the Mexican Mafia that fill Los Angeles streets with violent gang members that outnumber our police force ten to one. What is it about our politicians that make them behave they way they do? Is it money or are they just worried about their own parcel of power? I think its both.
Chris Simcox knows first hand, for the last four years he has witnessed all of this in his home state of Arizona. He is a patriot and is willing to sacrifice himself for our country to do what is right. We all have got to realize that this is a non-partisan failure with politicians on both sides of the aisle to blame, (although the left has more at stake supporting an open border policy).
The only way to make this problem go away is to secure the border, reform our antiquated immigration policies and enforce the laws. Democrats want “cheap” votes and more dependents on the doll and big business want “cheap” labor to improve their profit margins. But “cheap” isn’t cheap it costs the American taxpayer dearly, it raise the cost of all insurance especially healthcare, it clutters up our justice system and it adds a ton of cars on our freeways adding to the CO2 output and frustration to bonafide citizens. Couple all this with the human toll and what do you get? Either an inefficient, confused or corrupt government. Chris Simcox has been the on the vanguard in the fight to preserve the sanctity of the land which the U.S. Constitution has jurisdiction.
That is why we need to support his program, which has had hundreds of volunteers on border watch for 289 consecutive days. They have spotted 30,962 Illegal aliens breaking our laws, they have rescued 329 illegal aliens that were in some sort of distress, and they have been responsible for 13,769 intruder apprehensions from 26 countries confirmed by Border Patrol.
If you can’t make it to the meeting then please click here to find out how you can help Chris keep up the pressure on our politicians to do the RIGHT THING.
So let us grab this opportunity and start pushing our American values of God, Country, Family, Free Markets, and a strong Military through the media and onto the desks of our politicians. This is what they are waiting for – every great idea has come from the people not the politicians -- we are what makes our country great not government.
Join us the Wednesday evening to discus Illegal Immigration with Chris Simcox.
If you would like to mke a comment please click here.
If you would like to RSVP click here.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What are post-racial principles?
Talking Points for Republicans…
Well let’s look at some facts and then when you come to the meeting we can discuss you’re your views on this matter. If you can’t make it to the conference send me an email with your thoughts.
The Republican Party was founded by abolitions (the Republicans) who fought the Southerners (the Democrats) for freedom and liberty for everybody. Why aren’t we answering back in the strongest terms possible when Black Leaders talk about segregation?
Martin Luther King’s famous line about not judging people by their color and gender but by their character ability and talent is pure conservative thought. Why don’t we make it a permanent part of our Platform?
The Republican Party has been post-racial since winning the Civil War – Why have we allowed the Democrats to divide America into groups?
In terms of African American community relations; the following excerpts are from an article written by Pat Buchanan (March 21, 2008) and following that is David Horowitz’s (January 03, 2001) article, “Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks - and Racist Too.”
America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. (It could have been 180 million if it wasn’t for Roe vs Wade)
Second, no government anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.
Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants.
Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America?
Is it really white America's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent?
Is it really white America's fault the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is it really white America's fault that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is it really white America's fault that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse or that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks
and Racist Too
By David Horowitz
There Is No Single Group Clearly Responsible For The Crime Of Slavery
Black Africans and Arabs were responsible for enslaving the ancestors of African-Americans. There were 3,000 black slave-owners in the ante-bellum United States. Are reparations to be paid by their descendants too?
There Is No One Group That Benefited Exclusively From Its Fruits
The claim for reparations is premised on the false assumption that only whites have benefited from slavery. If slave labor created wealth for Americans, then obviously it has created wealth for black Americans as well, including the descendants of slaves. The GNP of black America is so large that it makes the African-American community the 10th most prosperous "nation" in the world. American blacks on average enjoy per capita incomes in the range of twenty to fifty times that of blacks living in any of the African nations from which they were kidnapped.
Only A Tiny Minority Of White Americans Ever Owned Slaves, And Others Gave Their Lives To Free Them
Only a tiny minority of Americans ever owned slaves. This is true even for those who lived in the ante-bellum South where only one white in five was a slaveholder. Why should their descendants owe a debt? What about the descendants of the 350,000 Union soldiers who died to free the slaves? They gave their lives. What possible moral principle would ask them to pay (through their descendants) again?
America Today Is A Multi-Ethnic Nation and Most Americans Have No Connection (Direct Or Indirect) To Slavery
The two great waves of American immigration occurred after 1880 and then after 1960. What rationale would require Vietnamese boat people, Russian refuseniks, Iranian refugees, and Armenian victims of the Turkish persecution, Jews, Mexicans, Greeks, or Polish, Hungarian, Cambodian and Korean victims of Communism, to pay reparations to American blacks?
The Historical Precedents Used To Justify The Reparations Claim Do Not Apply, And The Claim Itself Is Based On Race Not Injury
The historical precedents generally invoked to justify the reparations claim are payments to Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, Japanese-Americans and African- American victims of racial experiments in Tuskegee, or racial outrages in Rosewood and Oklahoma City. But in each case, the recipients of reparations were the direct victims of the injustice or their immediate families. This would be the only case of reparations to people who were not immediately affected and whose sole qualification to receive reparations would be racial. As has already been pointed out, during the slavery era, many blacks were free men or slave-owners themselves, yet the reparations claimants make no distinction between the roles blacks actually played in the injustice itself. Randall Robinson's book on reparations, The Debt, which is the manifesto of the reparations movement is pointedly sub-titled "What America Owes To Blacks." If this is not racism, what is?
The Reparations Argument Is Based On The Unfounded Claim That All African-American Descendants of Slaves Suffer From The Economic Consequences Of Slavery And Discrimination
No evidence-based attempt has been made to prove that living individuals have been adversely affected by a slave system that was ended over 150 years ago. But there is plenty of evidence the hardships that occurred were hardships that individuals could and did overcome. The black middle-class in America is a prosperous community that is now larger in absolute terms than the black underclass. Does its existence not suggest that economic adversity is the result of failures of individual character rather than the lingering after-effects of racial discrimination and a slave system that ceased to exist well over a century ago? West Indian blacks in America are also descended from slaves but their average incomes are equivalent to the average incomes of whites ( and nearly 25% higher than the average incomes of American born blacks). How is it that slavery adversely affected one large group of descendants but not the other? How can government be expected to decide an issue that is so subjective - and yet so critical - to the case?
The Reparations Claim Is One More Attempt To Turn African-Americans Into Victims. It Sends A Damaging Message To The African-American Community.
The renewed sense of grievance -- which is what the claim for reparations will inevitably create -- is neither a constructive nor a helpful message for black leaders to be sending to their communities and to others. To focus the social passions of African-Americans on what some Americans may have done to their ancestors fifty or a hundred and fifty years ago is to burden them with a crippling sense of victim-hood. How are the millions of refugees from tyranny and genocide who are now living in America going to receive these claims, moreover, except as demands for special treatment, an extravagant new handout that is only necessary because some blacks can't seem to locate the ladder of opportunity within reach of others -- many less privileged than themselves?
Reparations To African Americans Have Already Been Paid
Since the passage of the Civil Rights Acts and the advent of the Great Society in 1965, trillions of dollars in transfer payments have been made to African-Americans in the form of welfare benefits and racial preferences (in contracts, job placements and educational admissions) - all under the rationale of redressing historic racial grievances. It is said that reparations are necessary to achieve a healing between African-Americans and other Americans. If trillion dollar restitutions and a wholesale rewriting of American law (in order to accommodate racial preferences) for African-Americans is not enough to achieve a "healing," what will?
What About The Debt Blacks Owe To America?
Slavery existed for thousands of years before the Atlantic slave trade was born, and in all societies. But in the thousand years of its existence, there never was an anti-slavery movement until white Christians - Englishmen and Americans -- created one. If not for the anti-slavery attitudes and military power of white Englishmen and Americans, the slave trade would not have been brought to an end. If not for the sacrifices of white soldiers and a white American president who gave his life to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks in America would still be slaves. If not for the dedication of Americans of all ethnicities and colors to a society based on the principle that all men are created equal, blacks in America would not enjoy the highest standard of living of blacks anywhere in the world, and indeed one of the highest standards of living of any people in the world. They would not enjoy the greatest freedoms and the most thoroughly protected individual rights anywhere. Where is the gratitude of black America and its leaders for those gifts?
The Reparations Claim Is A Separatist Idea That Sets African-Americans Against The Nation That Gave Them Freedom
Blacks were here before the Mayflower. Who is more American than the descendants of African slaves? For the African-American community to isolate itself even further from America is to embark on a course whose implications are troubling. Yet the African-American community has had a long-running flirtation with separatists, nationalists and the political left, who want African-Americans to be no part of America's social contract. African Americans should reject this temptation.
For all America's faults, African-Americans have an enormous stake in their country and its heritage. It is this heritage that is really under attack by the reparations movement. The reparations claim is one more assault on America, conducted by racial separatists and the political left. It is an attack not only on white Americans, but on all Americans -- especially African-Americans.
America's African-American citizens are the richest and most privileged black people alive -- a bounty that is a direct result of the heritage that is under assault. The American idea needs the support of its African-American citizens. But African-Americans also need the support of the American idea. For it is this idea that led to the principles and institutions that have set African-Americans - and all of us -- free.
David Horowitz
I think when Martin Luther King stated that the US wrote Blacks a check marked insufficient funds now we can consider it paid in full with interest.
Jeffers M. Dodge
A Republican
By Jeffers M. Dodge May 18, 2008
Socialism cannot survive without the poor and uneducated. That is why many Conservatives are advocating for an Institutional Reform Surge that will modernize the US Government’s mandated entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Disability. They believe that nothing short of a complete transformation to personal accounts, utilizing economic efficiencies created from over 200 years of fine-tuning of our capitalistic free market system will save the American government from a free fall into the abyss of the historically destructive economic principals of socialism.
Some of the most successful of these Conservative Advocates are William Kristol of the Weekly Standard, Dick Army’s FreedomWorks, the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and the truly interactive, Newt Gingrich’s American Solutions. The David Horowitz Freedom Center is another Conservative Advocates here in Los Angeles that is attacking the problem of the Left in acedemic, media and entertainment terms..
The proposed annual shift of $1.3 trillion out of the public sector into the private sector will first and foremost create wealth for the working poor and middle class by establishing personal “Lock Box” accounts that will eliminate the need for other savings plan such as 401ks, IRAs etc. It will reduce the size of government and increase tax revenues to local, state and federal treasuries. Most Americans no longer support the current inefficient Social Security system that is a self-sustaining monster destined to take over the entire government bureaucracy -- draining billions out of the US economy both in terms of productivity and happiness.
Most Americans want their mandatory Social Security contributions to be personalized – some don’t. Who are these "anti-personalization" advocates? I call them the Socialist Coalition. They are the groups and organizations that spent almost a billion dollars to defeat of George W. Bush’s attempt to deliver social security privatization to the American public. They are a mix of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, private enterprises, private citizens, and left wing think tanks all over the country. They all have one goal in common; Socialism, an economic system of expropriation where the state, controlled by a handful of leftist elitists, takes ownership control over the means of production.
The programs fueled by Socialistic economic principles (taxpayers money) in America were designed by their proponents to unfairly compete with private businesses. Programs such as Public Schools vs Private Schools, Social Security vs Private Retirement, and now on the horizon an expansion of universal healthcare have all failed in terms of sustainability, quality, accessibility and affordability. These programs would never succeed in the real world without the taxpayer bailouts.
I ascribe this concession to Socialism to the ALLEGED collapse of capitalism in the 1930’s as seen through the prism of the left wing media. If truth be told, Roosevelt's New Deal policies, including Social Security, never gave permanent relief to the needy, or reform to the financial system, and our economy only recovered after Hitler took advantage of the fact we were in a depression. Only when we had to gear for war did our economy recover. (Just as a side note; Roosevelt's delay cost the lives of millions of Europeans and years of misery in America.) Another example of this distortion of historical perception is the McCarthy era, as rewritten of course by the left wing media, entertainment business and academia.
Nevertheless, in both cases, socialism got a foothold in the United States economy and muted our economic growth thereby exacerbating bad education, poverty, crime, drug use and gang violence. These measures of misery are the fuel for socialism, without it they die -- success for them is a paradox.
One more thing, the polarization we are experiencing in the United States between the left and the right is reflective of Americas resistance to the victimization and entitlement mindset created by the equality tenets attributed to socialism, “You are poor because of the rich therefore you deserve it for free.” This weakness is emboldening our enemies specifically the Islamic Brotherhood, students of Nazism and suppliers to our oil addicted economy. This broad network of Islamic Radicals coupled with high technology, have the potential of being far more destructive than Hitler ever was.
I am encouraging each and every one of you to participate in one of the Conservative Advocacies organizations above. Ask question, submit your policy ideas and make comments. What we need is an Institutional Reform Surge that can only happen when our leaders hear from we the people.
Jeffers M. Dodge
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Joe Hicks will be our guest speaker on the 28th. We will be discussing Race in the Race.

Condoleezza Rice is not black; she’s an Uncle Tom, which is the same for all black Republicans, they’re all traitors to their race. She should be held up as a role model for the advancement of race relations in America but instead she is vilified because she is not a Democrat.
Obama grew up half white with his white mother and his white grandparents but now everyone believes he has the soul of black slaves. Obama is not a descendant of slaves and he was raised in a white middleclass neighborhood. America is in unchartered territory -- the far left owns the Democrats.
Obama’s roots were steeped in Communism and he was brainwashed to believe that state coerced equality is supreme -- except if you’re a white racist Republican, "You don't get a say!" Obama started off his campaign as a post-racial candidate until the “First Black President” Bill Clinton compared him to Jesse Jackson… That’s really harsh Bill… but we forgive you, cause you're a Democrat.
Why aren't Republicans standing up for post-racial principles such as integration and equality of race and gender? Not all Republican’s are wossies, there are a few exceptions. When I ran for office I declared that I was colorblind and we should all judge each other not by race or gender but by character, ability and talent. My campaign staff had a fit and advised against it. I didn’t listen – I couldn’t – this is how my parents raised me. (I was running against a black female hard core socialist)
Martin Luther King’s famous line about color, gender and character should be the proverbial 11th Commandment.
Republicans are doomed -- no, we are all doomed -- unless we can figure out how to overcome this challenge.
If I may suggest a solution to this problem of racism in America (aside from firing most of the Republican leadership for dereliction of duty) – let’s talk about slavery, the abolitionists, the Civil War, civil rights, women's rights -- BRAND THE FACTS -- make them LOUD and CLEAR. The Republicans have been post-racial since winning the Civil War - it has been the Democrats that have survived off purposeful division and hate.
The Democrats don't care if Obama is post-racial; it was the Republicans being targeted by Obama's snake oil & charm. It was our hopes and dreams that Democrats were finally coming around. But after Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, and his wife Michelle, did we, in fact, get to see the real Obama.
So let us grab this opportunity and start pushing our values to America as we go forward from here -- God, Country, Family, Free Markets, a strong Military and the 11th Commandment -- these are what made our country great.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Jeremiah's Revenge (mocks Obama with music - a waltz)
Obama and Wright; A match made in heaven turns out was made in hell.
By Jeffers M. Dodge
On one hand I feel sorry for Obama and on the other hand I understand why Jeremiah is so pissed.
Just for clarity sake I am determined to eliminate socialism from America, so I would never vote for Barack Obama. I also find Jeremiah Wright to be the quintessential con artist and they both are the Pied Pipers of the African American community in the United States making a mockery of America’s political system.
Reverend Wright first met Obama just after his previous mentor Frank Davis Marshal, a card carrying Communist, died in 1987, (Did Obama meet Reverend Wright at his funeral?). He immediately recognized Obama’s extraordinary charisma and oratory skills and was happy to discover his Marxist upbringing. All this coupled with proper indoctrination to the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology Reverend Wright preaches from the pulpit – he concluded it was a match made in heaven - or so he thought.
Wright knew Obama was using him to gain inroads into the black community in the South Side of Chicago one of the most gullible places on earth for the purpose political expediency. Wright also knew that Obama was a star and going far and he was going to do everything in his power to tag along.
Barack was trained by Wright on the advantages of being a Christian in that community and learned how to be Black (Barack’s mother was white as a Lilly, and his father left them shortly after he was born) so that he could lead his followers to vote for him in the state senate. From there it was easy – just stick with the script and he will make it to the White House; a testament to post-racial America.
When the time came for Obama’s announcement to run for president he took Reverend Wright to the basement and told him he could not go. I can only guess that Wright felt betrayed and probably told Obama that God will be the judge. Soon after that, low and behold, the controversial DVD was discovered for the first time for sale in the lobby of the church where Jeremiah Wright preached damnation to the United States.
To put the last nail in the coffin of Obama’s campaign Reverend Wright decided to go on the Magical Mystery Tour and make a fool of himself and Obama. All Hillary Clinton and John McCain could do was sit back and see the wrath of the media do their job.
And so end’s Obama’s political career. The match that was made in heaven turns out was made in hell --- and that’s the way the devil works.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
In response to Barack Obama’s speech “A More Perfect Union”
Dear Barack,
Your words are like a Siren’s song – seductive and to some hard to resist but to me it was typical shallow liberal rhetoric.
Your speech reflects the hope and desires of what the Liberal press calls a post-racial generation. We Republicans have been post-racial since the Civil War. It’s about time that Liberals are starting to catch up with us Conservatives. We had hope for African Americans with the leadership of Martin Luther King. But Jeremiah Wright’s generation demanded segregation instead of integration... The worse kind of racism.
You have an interesting story, Barack. You came out of nowhere and all of a sudden you are the lead contender of the Democratic Party’s nominee for president of the United states. But your story is a cautionary tale; you are a man with a stealthy past and no definitive experience to justify the risk of my vote.
Barack, what do we know about you? You were born to a white mother and a black man who met in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in 1959. Less than 4 years later after your second birthday he abandoned the two of you and went back to Kenya.
Your mother remarried and moved to Indonesia where you were put into a Madrassa for several years and at the age of ten you were sent back to Hawaii to live with your grandparents. Here you met your childhood mentor Frank Marshall Davis where you developed a close father son relationship. This lasted from the age of 10 until you went off to college in Los Angeles at the age of 18.
Frank Marshall Davis was identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) in 1951 by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and remained involved as a columnist espousing Marxist ideologies until he died in 1987. Did you go to his funeral? Was it eulogized by Jeremiah Wright?
Interesting that you have been going to Pastor Wright’s church since 1987 the year your mentor Frank Davis died. Is this where you lost one mentor and picked up another (father figure) Wasn’t it about then as a community leader you decided to enter politics? Wasn’t it 1992 when you worked for the Chicago Democrats registering voters for Bill Clinton?
You have a lot going for you such as your youth, faith, a family that loves you, and the fact that you are where you are today – one for the history books if you succeed.
I don’t think you are a racist but I am convinced you are a Marxist and will use Racial issues to lure in the disenfranchised to whimsical promises, not of freedom, but of free stuff all paid for on the backs of the hard workers who succeed.
As a well educated lawyer, (Columbia/Harvard), It is hard for me to believe that you would choose a philosophy (Marxism) that has such a brutal authoritarian past. While at the same time deny the tremendous success of our Free Market System. Or how you can rationalize that by taxing the rich to pay for the poor can ever be a successful or equal economic model? -- “Equality can never be obtained as long as there are corner apartments.”
What would happen if everyone in America were well educated and working? Socialism would be out of business.
What is stopping our American economy from delivering that promise to every citizen? The answer my friend is the fact that we have a mixed economy. Part Free Market and part Socialism. Free Markets' successes can be measured by the incredible rise in the standard of living America has experienced and shared with the rest of the world over the last 25 years. While Socialism has never worked and more often than not morphed into a fascist state or tyrannical theocracy.
Recognizing certain truths about the governance of this country is essential to objective leadership. One of them is the power of the individual. The mere fact that you hold tight to your chest the virtue of the Social Security System is one thing but in its current form makes me wonder about your decision making process. Your position that Government has done a good job of managing social security over the last 45 years and that its problems can be fixed with a tax hike on the middle class scares me. Your refusal to recognize how successful our markets have been over the long haul, even with all the social programs handicapping our full potential is, I believe, a flaw in your analytical judgment. Empower the individual, give him choices over his own finances, let him invest in America, let him feel as if he owns a piece of America… he will be happier.
When you firmly state that in regards to reforming Social Security nothing will be kept off the table EXCEPT privatization indicates to me that all that lofty talk of working with Republicans is just double-talk and meaningless. This shows poor judgment. Privatizing is the only way to fix Social Security.
What troubles me even more is that you fail to acknowledge that through privatization, infusing tons of cash into the capital markets is a positive thing for the working poor and middle class. You also fail to realize the Federal, State and Local treasuries and the value of the dollar will benefit strongly as well. This failure in judgment indicates to me that you are not as smart as you lead us to believe (a product of affirmative action) or you have a different agenda than what is best for this country.
The only way to win this election, if you are nominated, is to join Conservatives and let capitalism work. Otherwise there is no way you can possibly win. Socialism sucks the passion out of the individual and productivity comes to a standstill. The ownership society depends on all of us working together to make it happen. We have given socialist policies 45 years to work and they have failed.
This country has come the furthest in terms of race than any other country on earth. Conservatives have been color blind all along. The first part of your speech made reference to all the accomplishments of the Republican Party since the writing of the Constitution.
We are Republicans, the Party of Lincoln that abolished slavery by winning the Civil War against the Democrats and passing the 13th Amendment that forever abolished forced labor. We wrote and passed the 14th Amendment that included Due Process and Equal Protection clauses as well as defining what a US citizen is including, for the first time, African Americans. We wrote and passed the 15th Amendment, which gave every citizen, as defined by the 14th Amendment, the right to vote. We wrote the first Civil Rights Act of 1866, which was vetoed by Andrew Johnson a Democrat. Ninety-nine years later Republican President Eisenhower proposed the Civil Rights act of 1957, which subsequently sustained the longest filibuster in history by the Democrats. Then in 1964 the Democrats amended Eisenhower’s bill and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was basically designed to lure African Americans into the welfare state of the Johnson Administration. Blacks found safety back on the plantation of the Democratic Party and turned against those that freed them who in return treated them with indifference which really meant we did not treat them any differently than any other race.
Now here we are in the 21st Century and you are taking the Conservative position that the Democrats have better come to their senses in terms of race and accepting the possibility of a black President. I am enjoying watching all your different groups jockey for position. Jeremiah Wright, the Clintons, Ferraro, Pastor Manning, Jessie Jackson is having a heart attack over this, the anti-war pacifist led by the Communist Party of the United States et al.
However, it must be emphasized that the idea of becoming a truly “Post-Racial” society can only be accomplished by crossing the aisle, growing our economy and protecting us from our enemies.
But I have a nagging gut feeling Barack, that you want to stop this country from fulfilling its potential. You are preaching a much weaker military while at the same time practicing the politics of racial division, victimolgy, and poverty by defending Jeremiah Wright… Why? Is it because you want to preserve your job?
No I think it is more than that.
When I think of you I think of the Sirens of Greece or the myth of the Pied Piper or maybe you are the Trojan Horse... as soon as your elected you are going to unleash the hidden communist sympathizers into high government positions and as soon as we are hit by terrorist, because of a weakened military, you will declare Marshal Law.. and that will be the end of our constitution and our country as we know it.
Just a word of warning my friend, our Republican values and principles of objective reality, faith in God, family and the love for this country is the only thing I will die for and the only tune I will sing.
“…and his music outshun the Sirens song”
God Bless America
Jeffers M. Dodge
PS -- "The only thing new in this world is the history you don't know." FDR
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Democrats on illegal immigration Socialism at its finest
I would like to know where John McCain is going to end up on this issue? I know where the the law firm of Obama, Pelosi and Reid stand.
Normally our economy is dynamic -- it has its ebbs and flows. After experiencing a tremendous economic expansion during the last 25 years mostly due to Reaganomics, we maybe headed into a financial downturn due in part to the severe drop in the value of dollar. There are many reasons for this but its not the point I am trying to make.
In the last 7 years we have had several major catastrophes including 9/11, Iraq/Afghanistan and the War on Terror. These events were enormous in size and very expensive -- draining trillions from our economy. The Democrats try to blame the Republicans for this when in fact the blame belongs to the Islamic Fascists. Our economy by all measure exceeded expectations and performed beautifully during this time. However, in addition to having to manage the inevitable economic downturn/adjustment, we have to deal with the influx of illegal aliens. This is causing a tremendous stress on our infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, jails, courts, law enforcement and most importantly traffic. With the dollar devalued, gas prices inflated, gold at record levels our treasuries just don’t have the money to deal with all these problems, let alone another catastrophe.
Whatever plans our political leaders have in mind regarding illegal immigration our economy just can’t handle it. Something has to give.
In terms of welfare, schools, hospitals, jails, courts and law enforcement these added expenses far exceed the tax contributions made by illegal aliens.
There is an upside to illegal immigrants. When the president tried to save the pyramid scheme known as Social Security and failed, contributions made to social security by illegal aliens and their employers are significant enough to delay the collapse of the system. On a side note: the Socialist spent $1 billion to defeat him not by debating the merits of private accounts but by besmirching his character and motive. FYI: Business contributions to Social Security alone are in excess of $500 Billion (thank you big business)
The estimated cost of illegal immigration to the US taxpayer is somewhere around $250 Billion and the cost of amnesty could be as high as $2.5 trillion**.
Where are we going to get the money? Certainly not from raising taxes, unless the law firm of Obama, Pelosi and Reid take over our government. God help us all.
There are several solutions to getting the money needed to save our dollar and restore America to its rightful place as the most progressive Nation on earth and that is to cut taxes on business, cut the capital gains taxes on investments and privatize the entitlement programs:
There is only one solution to illegal immigration problem -- Build the wall.
There is only one solution to the illegals that are already here — Enforce the laws.
And only one solution to saving this country — vote Republican.
Jeffers M. Dodge
President LARA
Los Angeles Republican’s Alliance
About Me
- Anonymous
- Nancy Sylvester is a registered and certified expert Parliamentarian, has been consulted as to the legality of the proceedings, and has provided a written report. Quoting from her report: No officers of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County have been properly removed from office. The attempt to fill vacancies at the May 14 meeting was not conducted legally. Chairman Glen Forsch and First Vice Chairman Lydia Gutierrez both have resigned. Therefore according to Article VIII, Section 5.a.(1), after the resignation of Chairman Forsch and First Vice Chairman Gutierrez, Second Vice Chairman Robert Vaughn first became First Vice Chairman and then became Chairman. Robert Vaughn is now the Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County ...Robert Vaughn should mail notice of a call to a meeting of the County Committee or a meeting of the Executive Committee. That notice shall include the day, date, hour, and place of the meeting. According to Article VIII, Section 5.b.(2) the notice of the meeting should include information of what vacancies exist and that they shall be filled at the meeting. The vacancies exist in the positions of First Vice Chairman and Second Vice Chairman.