Monday, July 9, 2007

Iraq; The Truth is a Dillusion to the Democrats

The following is a snippet of an article sent to me by my Brother in Law. It reflects a broad truth that is is designed to scare the bejesus out of you.

Leave Iraq and Brace for a Bigger Bloodbath
By Natan Sharansky
Sunday, July 8, 2007; Page B03

Of course, Hussein's removal has created a host of difficult strategic challenges, and numerous human rights atrocities have been committed since his ouster. But let us be under no illusion of what life under Hussein was like. He was a mass murderer who tortured children in front of their parents, gassed Kurds, slaughtered Shiites, started two wars with his neighbors and launched Scud missiles into downtown Riyadh and Tel Aviv. The price for the stability that Hussein supposedly brought to the region was mass graves, hundreds of thousands of dead in Iraq, and terrorism and war outside it. Difficult as the challenges are today -- with Iran and Syria trying to stymie democracy in Iraq, with al-Qaeda turning Iraq into the central battleground in its holy war of terrorism against the free world, and with sectarian militias bent on murder and mayhem -- there is still hope that tomorrow may be better.

No one can know for sure whether President Bush's "surge" of U.S. troops in Iraq will succeed. But those who believe that human rights should play a central role in international affairs should be doing everything in their power to maximize the chances that it will. For one of the consequences of failure could well be catastrophe.

A precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces could lead to a bloodbath that would make the current carnage pale by comparison. Without U.S. troops in place to quell some of the violence, Iranian-backed Shiite militias would dramatically increase their attacks on Sunnis; Sunni militias, backed by the Saudis or others, would retaliate in kind, drawing more and more of Iraq into a vicious cycle of violence. If Iraq descended into full-blown civil war, the chaos could trigger similar clashes throughout the region as Sunni-Shiite tensions spill across Iraq's borders. The death toll and the displacement of civilians could climb exponentially.

Perhaps the greatest irony of the political debate over Iraq is that many of Bush's critics, who accused his administration of going blindly to war without considering what would happen once Hussein's regime was toppled, now blindly support a policy of withdrawing from Iraq without considering what might follow.

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About Me

Nancy Sylvester is a registered and certified expert Parliamentarian, has been consulted as to the legality of the proceedings, and has provided a written report. Quoting from her report: No officers of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County have been properly removed from office. The attempt to fill vacancies at the May 14 meeting was not conducted legally. Chairman Glen Forsch and First Vice Chairman Lydia Gutierrez both have resigned. Therefore according to Article VIII, Section 5.a.(1), after the resignation of Chairman Forsch and First Vice Chairman Gutierrez, Second Vice Chairman Robert Vaughn first became First Vice Chairman and then became Chairman. Robert Vaughn is now the Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County ...Robert Vaughn should mail notice of a call to a meeting of the County Committee or a meeting of the Executive Committee. That notice shall include the day, date, hour, and place of the meeting. According to Article VIII, Section 5.b.(2) the notice of the meeting should include information of what vacancies exist and that they shall be filled at the meeting. The vacancies exist in the positions of First Vice Chairman and Second Vice Chairman.