Is Ted Hayes the New Ward Connerly?
Los Angeles Sentinel , Commentary, Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, Posted: Jul 15, 2007
Editor's Note: Republican and former homeless advocate Ted Hayes has become the 'Black Face' of the anti-immigrant movement. He is on record stating “illegal immigration is the biggest threat to Blacks since slavery.”
Illegal immigration reform is a salient issue in America today. Particularly among the Republicans who consider this issue “a border crisis.” Congress’ effort to legislate a solution was met with a last minute Republican filibuster stalled a viable solution to addressing the 12 million resident aliens in the country, a measured naturalization process for those who qualified. It was said that it was too much like amnesty. But now the Republicans have pulled out their latest secret weapon, former homeless advocate now Black Republican, Ted Hayes. Hayes, who came to the nation’s attention as a homeless advocate in the 1990s, has abandoned the homeless movement that has taken on a disproportionately African American hue (at a time when Los Angeles is the homeless capital of the nation) for a new “Black movement.” Illegal immigration.
[read article]
This is my Response....
Dear Anthony,
I read your article about Ted Hayes. Up front I am going to tell you why I think you are more destructive to your community than Ted Hayes could ever be. First, you use the sound bite “Colorblind” as if it’s a derogatory term. What is wrong about being color blind?
I am a white man and I am not a racist. So if YOU ask me to treat you differently because you are black, and I don’t, that doesn’t make me racists. I was raised colorblind. In other words I took to hart what my parents taught me and what Martin Luther King tried to teach you and your community; Don’t judge people by their race or gender just their character ability and talent.
Upon objectively reading your article I could initially judge you as a divisive spoiled elitist trying to prove something to someone, but I would need to meet with you in person to be certain of that judgment. Have you ever sat down with Ted Hayes? I challenge you to interview him as a man not afraid to be creative.
Why shouldn’t you and I hold people to the same moral, ethical and intellectual standards regardless of their race gender and religion? Why is your article replete with references to color and race? “White conservative “minuteman” protecting America from illegal invasion that assaults their “American values.” The Minutemen are Americans that comes in all strips; Black, White Asian, Vietnamese, rich poor, homeless etc etc etc… Why did you mislead your readers? Was it to manipulate the truth to justify your false premise: that the minutemen are racist? You go on to state that they want to protect their property. Don’t you believe in Property Rights? Or, are you one of those open borders communist that believe in taking from the successful and giving it to the lazy? Why don’t you tell your readers who is really paying the bill in this country? 10% of the most successful are paying 90% of the taxes? Instead of saying the richest 1% that owns 40% of the wealth, or the bottom 35% of Americans are paying no taxes at all.
Why don’t you believe in American Values such as family, faith and Country from which a comprehensive set principals such as less government, less taxes and more personal freedom blossomed. History shows Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan did more to preserve the Constitution, Liberty and Freedom than any Democrat in history. What was the result of their efforts? The emancipation of the African slaves and their offspring, which led to the 14th Amendment written by Republicans, Our Republican Generals MacArthur, Patton, Eisenhower won both WWI and WWII. It was the Republicans that wrote the first civil rights laws and gave woman the right to vote, and are currently in the process of bringing freedom and liberty to the Middle East. Most importantly, we have defined and refined Free Market Capitalism; the most successful and compassionate economic system in the history of the world.
Did the Republicans abandon the Black American in the sixties? No, we are not the party who “sees groups” unless they are oppressed such as the Europeans, Japanese, Russians, Iraqis, Afghanis, and the slaves (all slaves not just black slaves). Once we shifted the laws from Big Daddy government to the strength and independence of the individual we created an environment for this human resource to flourish. However, the American Blacks fell in love with the Democrats that felt guilty about their past oppressive relationship and created the welfare state that inhibited personal responsibility and a strong family unit.
You, on the other hand, believe that your community is different and in need of special attention. Right? Republicans and conservative Americans believe that dependence on anyone is equal to slavery. Look at Iraq. Democrat’s main argument about surrendering Iraq is that we need to cut them loose so they can take care of themselves. I agree but not until we can be sure that they can fight off Al Qaeda and Iranians. Tony it time for you to join Ted Hayes and lead your community to independence instead of victimization, cut yourself loose from the shackles of dependency of the old and new slave masters the Democrats. Theirs is the party that thrives on using the Black community as a means to win elections. And what has come of this arrangement?
I am an 11th generation American. Mayflower and all that. My ancestors were immigrants. Immigrants are what built this country to what it is today. Africans and Asian slaves played a part in the construction of this country. It was ugly and a blemish but a fact nonetheless. Once the Republican Party was formed we sent 500,000 white boys and several thousand blacks to their deaths to liberate the slaves. Now look at how you are repaying us. By doing the bidding for the original slave masters the Democrats. American did away with slavery and we hold the basic values “That all Men are Created Equal” as a universal God given Truth. This Human Right is not given to us by the State, as the Democrats want you to believe, but given to us by God as the Republicans believe.
This is why we are so concerned about illegal immigration. On a side note Mr. Super Intellect, in order to further your cause of divisiveness you claim that Ted Hayes is purely against illegal Mexican immigrants. I have known Ted for 3 years now and this is the furthest from the truth. His main concern is the condition of his community… the poor and homeless, (race is not a factor) which is growing as a result of illegal immigration from below the southern border. (300,000 illegals are living in garages in LA County)
Blacks ARE being hurt by illegal immigration. But that’s not the point. OUR SOCIETY is being hurt by illegal immigration and it is a fact that Blacks are disproportionately being hurt the most. Why is that? It is this question where you should be directing your super intellect toward answering. But you don’t. Instead, you tear down others that are creative enough to devise a solution to the problem, but you don’t even try.
Now here is where I question your motives. It seems that you enjoy tearing down other people and their noble efforts so like-minded peers can laud you. I am a Music Producer and reject musical acts that I call mimickers – in other words, pianist who can play Beethoven’s 5th perfectly but can’t even write their own compositions to save their lives. Ted Hayes dares to be original and you just mimic the same old failed liberal rhetoric.
It is this mind-set that robs society from its true potential. I do expect you to dismiss this like a good communist would, but if you care about the idea of America and the 50 states and their citizens that have adopted it, then ask yourself these questions. Why, after 45 years of Democrat control over Black Americans have their not been any increase in the percentage of Blacks in the US population? Why have there been 35 million abortions of Black Babies since Roe vs. Wade? Why have Black Americans rejected God for the godless ideology of socialism? Why do Black Americans insist they are owed something as a race thereby separating themselves from the rest of American Society? Why is this not so for the Japanese or Chinese who look as different as any other culture? Is it because ALL American Blacks are descendants from slaves? That 200 years ago their brethren in Africa sold them out? How should I feel about your place in this country when I am not color blind, but you are? Anthony, why do you keep harping on other’s ideas when you offer no idea’s of your own?
Why shouldn’t all of us hold people to the same moral, ethical and intellectual standards regardless of our race gender and religion? We are all Americans… Right?
Jeffers M. Dodge
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Iraq; The Truth is a Dillusion to the Democrats
The following is a snippet of an article sent to me by my Brother in Law. It reflects a broad truth that is is designed to scare the bejesus out of you.
Leave Iraq and Brace for a Bigger Bloodbath
By Natan Sharansky
Sunday, July 8, 2007; Page B03
Of course, Hussein's removal has created a host of difficult strategic challenges, and numerous human rights atrocities have been committed since his ouster. But let us be under no illusion of what life under Hussein was like. He was a mass murderer who tortured children in front of their parents, gassed Kurds, slaughtered Shiites, started two wars with his neighbors and launched Scud missiles into downtown Riyadh and Tel Aviv. The price for the stability that Hussein supposedly brought to the region was mass graves, hundreds of thousands of dead in Iraq, and terrorism and war outside it. Difficult as the challenges are today -- with Iran and Syria trying to stymie democracy in Iraq, with al-Qaeda turning Iraq into the central battleground in its holy war of terrorism against the free world, and with sectarian militias bent on murder and mayhem -- there is still hope that tomorrow may be better.
No one can know for sure whether President Bush's "surge" of U.S. troops in Iraq will succeed. But those who believe that human rights should play a central role in international affairs should be doing everything in their power to maximize the chances that it will. For one of the consequences of failure could well be catastrophe.
A precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces could lead to a bloodbath that would make the current carnage pale by comparison. Without U.S. troops in place to quell some of the violence, Iranian-backed Shiite militias would dramatically increase their attacks on Sunnis; Sunni militias, backed by the Saudis or others, would retaliate in kind, drawing more and more of Iraq into a vicious cycle of violence. If Iraq descended into full-blown civil war, the chaos could trigger similar clashes throughout the region as Sunni-Shiite tensions spill across Iraq's borders. The death toll and the displacement of civilians could climb exponentially.
Perhaps the greatest irony of the political debate over Iraq is that many of Bush's critics, who accused his administration of going blindly to war without considering what would happen once Hussein's regime was toppled, now blindly support a policy of withdrawing from Iraq without considering what might follow.
Leave Iraq and Brace for a Bigger Bloodbath
By Natan Sharansky
Sunday, July 8, 2007; Page B03
Of course, Hussein's removal has created a host of difficult strategic challenges, and numerous human rights atrocities have been committed since his ouster. But let us be under no illusion of what life under Hussein was like. He was a mass murderer who tortured children in front of their parents, gassed Kurds, slaughtered Shiites, started two wars with his neighbors and launched Scud missiles into downtown Riyadh and Tel Aviv. The price for the stability that Hussein supposedly brought to the region was mass graves, hundreds of thousands of dead in Iraq, and terrorism and war outside it. Difficult as the challenges are today -- with Iran and Syria trying to stymie democracy in Iraq, with al-Qaeda turning Iraq into the central battleground in its holy war of terrorism against the free world, and with sectarian militias bent on murder and mayhem -- there is still hope that tomorrow may be better.
No one can know for sure whether President Bush's "surge" of U.S. troops in Iraq will succeed. But those who believe that human rights should play a central role in international affairs should be doing everything in their power to maximize the chances that it will. For one of the consequences of failure could well be catastrophe.
A precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces could lead to a bloodbath that would make the current carnage pale by comparison. Without U.S. troops in place to quell some of the violence, Iranian-backed Shiite militias would dramatically increase their attacks on Sunnis; Sunni militias, backed by the Saudis or others, would retaliate in kind, drawing more and more of Iraq into a vicious cycle of violence. If Iraq descended into full-blown civil war, the chaos could trigger similar clashes throughout the region as Sunni-Shiite tensions spill across Iraq's borders. The death toll and the displacement of civilians could climb exponentially.
Perhaps the greatest irony of the political debate over Iraq is that many of Bush's critics, who accused his administration of going blindly to war without considering what would happen once Hussein's regime was toppled, now blindly support a policy of withdrawing from Iraq without considering what might follow.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Is race a social construct or genetic?
The answer is social construct. There is no evidence that race is determined by genetics. Therefor anyone that defines themselves as being different than another based on skin color or geographical location is themselves a racist.
In addition, anyone who holds all people to the same morel, ethical and intellectual standards cannot be a racist.
As a conservative I hold to be true that one cannot judge another by race or gender but only by character, talent and ability.
The answer is social construct. There is no evidence that race is determined by genetics. Therefor anyone that defines themselves as being different than another based on skin color or geographical location is themselves a racist.
In addition, anyone who holds all people to the same morel, ethical and intellectual standards cannot be a racist.
As a conservative I hold to be true that one cannot judge another by race or gender but only by character, talent and ability.
common sense.,
Racism, Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals, hate, manipulation, politics, truth, facts, reason, logic, common sense.
Racism, Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals, hate, manipulation, politics, truth, facts, reason, logic, common sense.
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- Nancy Sylvester is a registered and certified expert Parliamentarian, has been consulted as to the legality of the proceedings, and has provided a written report. Quoting from her report: No officers of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County have been properly removed from office. The attempt to fill vacancies at the May 14 meeting was not conducted legally. Chairman Glen Forsch and First Vice Chairman Lydia Gutierrez both have resigned. Therefore according to Article VIII, Section 5.a.(1), after the resignation of Chairman Forsch and First Vice Chairman Gutierrez, Second Vice Chairman Robert Vaughn first became First Vice Chairman and then became Chairman. Robert Vaughn is now the Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County ...Robert Vaughn should mail notice of a call to a meeting of the County Committee or a meeting of the Executive Committee. That notice shall include the day, date, hour, and place of the meeting. According to Article VIII, Section 5.b.(2) the notice of the meeting should include information of what vacancies exist and that they shall be filled at the meeting. The vacancies exist in the positions of First Vice Chairman and Second Vice Chairman.