Thursday, March 20, 2008

In response to Barack Obama’s speech “A More Perfect Union”

In response to Barack Obama’s speech “A More Perfect Union”

Dear Barack,

Your words are like a Siren’s song – seductive and to some hard to resist but to me it was typical shallow liberal rhetoric.

Your speech reflects the hope and desires of what the Liberal press calls a post-racial generation. We Republicans have been post-racial since the Civil War. It’s about time that Liberals are starting to catch up with us Conservatives. We had hope for African Americans with the leadership of Martin Luther King. But Jeremiah Wright’s generation demanded segregation instead of integration... The worse kind of racism.

You have an interesting story, Barack. You came out of nowhere and all of a sudden you are the lead contender of the Democratic Party’s nominee for president of the United states. But your story is a cautionary tale; you are a man with a stealthy past and no definitive experience to justify the risk of my vote.

Barack, what do we know about you? You were born to a white mother and a black man who met in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in 1959. Less than 4 years later after your second birthday he abandoned the two of you and went back to Kenya.

Your mother remarried and moved to Indonesia where you were put into a Madrassa for several years and at the age of ten you were sent back to Hawaii to live with your grandparents. Here you met your childhood mentor Frank Marshall Davis where you developed a close father son relationship. This lasted from the age of 10 until you went off to college in Los Angeles at the age of 18.

Frank Marshall Davis was identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) in 1951 by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and remained involved as a columnist espousing Marxist ideologies until he died in 1987. Did you go to his funeral? Was it eulogized by Jeremiah Wright?

Interesting that you have been going to Pastor Wright’s church since 1987 the year your mentor Frank Davis died. Is this where you lost one mentor and picked up another (father figure) Wasn’t it about then as a community leader you decided to enter politics? Wasn’t it 1992 when you worked for the Chicago Democrats registering voters for Bill Clinton?

You have a lot going for you such as your youth, faith, a family that loves you, and the fact that you are where you are today – one for the history books if you succeed.

I don’t think you are a racist but I am convinced you are a Marxist and will use Racial issues to lure in the disenfranchised to whimsical promises, not of freedom, but of free stuff all paid for on the backs of the hard workers who succeed.

As a well educated lawyer, (Columbia/Harvard), It is hard for me to believe that you would choose a philosophy (Marxism) that has such a brutal authoritarian past. While at the same time deny the tremendous success of our Free Market System. Or how you can rationalize that by taxing the rich to pay for the poor can ever be a successful or equal economic model? -- “Equality can never be obtained as long as there are corner apartments.”

What would happen if everyone in America were well educated and working? Socialism would be out of business.

What is stopping our American economy from delivering that promise to every citizen? The answer my friend is the fact that we have a mixed economy. Part Free Market and part Socialism. Free Markets' successes can be measured by the incredible rise in the standard of living America has experienced and shared with the rest of the world over the last 25 years. While Socialism has never worked and more often than not morphed into a fascist state or tyrannical theocracy.

Recognizing certain truths about the governance of this country is essential to objective leadership. One of them is the power of the individual. The mere fact that you hold tight to your chest the virtue of the Social Security System is one thing but in its current form makes me wonder about your decision making process. Your position that Government has done a good job of managing social security over the last 45 years and that its problems can be fixed with a tax hike on the middle class scares me. Your refusal to recognize how successful our markets have been over the long haul, even with all the social programs handicapping our full potential is, I believe, a flaw in your analytical judgment.
 Empower the individual, give him choices over his own finances, let him invest in America, let him feel as if he owns a piece of America… he will be happier.

When you firmly state that in regards to reforming Social Security nothing will be kept off the table EXCEPT privatization indicates to me that all that lofty talk of working with Republicans is just double-talk and meaningless. This shows poor judgment. Privatizing is the only way to fix Social Security.

What troubles me even more is that you fail to acknowledge that through privatization, infusing tons of cash into the capital markets is a positive thing for the working poor and middle class. You also fail to realize the Federal, State and Local treasuries and the value of the dollar will benefit strongly as well. This failure in judgment indicates to me that you are not as smart as you lead us to believe (a product of affirmative action) or you have a different agenda than what is best for this country.

The only way to win this election, if you are nominated, is to join Conservatives and let capitalism work. Otherwise there is no way you can possibly win. Socialism sucks the passion out of the individual and productivity comes to a standstill. The ownership society depends on all of us working together to make it happen. We have given socialist policies 45 years to work and they have failed.

This country has come the furthest in terms of race than any other country on earth. Conservatives have been color blind all along. The first part of your speech made reference to all the accomplishments of the Republican Party since the writing of the Constitution.

We are Republicans, the Party of Lincoln that abolished slavery by winning the Civil War against the Democrats and passing the 13th Amendment that forever abolished forced labor. We wrote and passed the 14th Amendment that included Due Process and Equal Protection clauses as well as defining what a US citizen is including, for the first time, African Americans. We wrote and passed the 15th Amendment, which gave every citizen, as defined by the 14th Amendment, the right to vote. We wrote the first Civil Rights Act of 1866, which was vetoed by Andrew Johnson a Democrat. Ninety-nine years later Republican President Eisenhower proposed the Civil Rights act of 1957, which subsequently sustained the longest filibuster in history by the Democrats. Then in 1964 the Democrats amended Eisenhower’s bill and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was basically designed to lure African Americans into the welfare state of the Johnson Administration. Blacks found safety back on the plantation of the Democratic Party and turned against those that freed them who in return treated them with indifference which really meant we did not treat them any differently than any other race.

Now here we are in the 21st Century and you are taking the Conservative position that the Democrats have better come to their senses in terms of race and accepting the possibility of a black President. I am enjoying watching all your different groups jockey for position. Jeremiah Wright, the Clintons, Ferraro, Pastor Manning, Jessie Jackson is having a heart attack over this, the anti-war pacifist led by the Communist Party of the United States et al.

However, it must be emphasized that the idea of becoming a truly “Post-Racial” society can only be accomplished by crossing the aisle, growing our economy and protecting us from our enemies.

But I have a nagging gut feeling Barack, that you want to stop this country from fulfilling its potential. You are preaching a much weaker military while at the same time practicing the politics of racial division, victimolgy, and poverty by defending Jeremiah Wright… Why? Is it because you want to preserve your job?

No I think it is more than that.

When I think of you I think of the Sirens of Greece or the myth of the Pied Piper or maybe you are the Trojan Horse... as soon as your elected you are going to unleash the hidden communist sympathizers into high government positions and as soon as we are hit by terrorist, because of a weakened military, you will declare Marshal Law.. and that will be the end of our constitution and our country as we know it.

Just a word of warning my friend, our Republican values and principles of objective reality, faith in God, family and the love for this country is the only thing I will die for and the only tune I will sing.

“…and his music outshun the Sirens song”

God Bless America

Jeffers M. Dodge

PS -- "The only thing new in this world is the history you don't know." FDR

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Democrats on illegal immigration Socialism at its finest

The Democrats view on illegal immigration is socialism at its finest.

I would like to know where John McCain is going to end up on this issue? I know where the the law firm of Obama, Pelosi and Reid stand.

Normally our economy is dynamic -- it has its ebbs and flows. After experiencing a tremendous economic expansion during the last 25 years mostly due to Reaganomics, we maybe headed into a financial downturn due in part to the severe drop in the value of dollar. There are many reasons for this but its not the point I am trying to make.

In the last 7 years we have had several major catastrophes including 9/11, Iraq/Afghanistan and the War on Terror. These events were enormous in size and very expensive -- draining trillions from our economy. The Democrats try to blame the Republicans for this when in fact the blame belongs to the Islamic Fascists. Our economy by all measure exceeded expectations and performed beautifully during this time. However, in addition to having to manage the inevitable economic downturn/adjustment, we have to deal with the influx of illegal aliens. This is causing a tremendous stress on our infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, jails, courts, law enforcement and most importantly traffic. With the dollar devalued, gas prices inflated, gold at record levels our treasuries just don’t have the money to deal with all these problems, let alone another catastrophe.

Whatever plans our political leaders have in mind regarding illegal immigration our economy just can’t handle it. Something has to give.

In terms of welfare, schools, hospitals, jails, courts and law enforcement these added expenses far exceed the tax contributions made by illegal aliens.

There is an upside to illegal immigrants. When the president tried to save the pyramid scheme known as Social Security and failed, contributions made to social security by illegal aliens and their employers are significant enough to delay the collapse of the system. On a side note: the Socialist spent $1 billion to defeat him not by debating the merits of private accounts but by besmirching his character and motive. FYI: Business contributions to Social Security alone are in excess of $500 Billion (thank you big business)

The estimated cost of illegal immigration to the US taxpayer is somewhere around $250 Billion and the cost of amnesty could be as high as $2.5 trillion**.

Where are we going to get the money? Certainly not from raising taxes, unless the law firm of Obama, Pelosi and Reid take over our government. God help us all.

There are several solutions to getting the money needed to save our dollar and restore America to its rightful place as the most progressive Nation on earth and that is to cut taxes on business, cut the capital gains taxes on investments and privatize the entitlement programs:

There is only one solution to illegal immigration problem -- Build the wall.

There is only one solution to the illegals that are already here — Enforce the laws.

And only one solution to saving this country — vote Republican.

Jeffers M. Dodge
President LARA
Los Angeles Republican’s Alliance


About Me

Nancy Sylvester is a registered and certified expert Parliamentarian, has been consulted as to the legality of the proceedings, and has provided a written report. Quoting from her report: No officers of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County have been properly removed from office. The attempt to fill vacancies at the May 14 meeting was not conducted legally. Chairman Glen Forsch and First Vice Chairman Lydia Gutierrez both have resigned. Therefore according to Article VIII, Section 5.a.(1), after the resignation of Chairman Forsch and First Vice Chairman Gutierrez, Second Vice Chairman Robert Vaughn first became First Vice Chairman and then became Chairman. Robert Vaughn is now the Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County ...Robert Vaughn should mail notice of a call to a meeting of the County Committee or a meeting of the Executive Committee. That notice shall include the day, date, hour, and place of the meeting. According to Article VIII, Section 5.b.(2) the notice of the meeting should include information of what vacancies exist and that they shall be filled at the meeting. The vacancies exist in the positions of First Vice Chairman and Second Vice Chairman.