Bottom line; its the Economy... Not Islam… Not illegal immigration
These two problems are casualties of extreme negative competition waged against free market capitalism by the dark forces of socialism, an economic system that has never worked and more often than not transformed itself into a fascist state of dictatorial rule. Waged not by a competition of ideas but of personal attacks and smear campaigns, symptomatic of a desperate struggle to survive. Simply put, socialism sucks dry the source of inspiration and innovation, whereas, free market capitalism encourages it. Profit with honor is a virtue.
The economic well being of this country keeps us together. It is based on trust, honor, faith and integrity. However, there is a building tension between socialism, as promoted by the Democratic Party, and free market capitalism that threatens to undermine these bedrock values. This tension is exasperated by an ever-increasing influx of poor illegal immigrants and their families seeking the American Dream. What these immigrants are met with, as they cross the border, is a schizophrenic society that inundates them with special entitlements that are not a definition of America but of a false definition of freedom where every thing is practically free. Democratic legislatures all across the country prop up this advancement to socialism by passing incentives into laws, such as free in-state tuition, cheap housing and free healthcare. Many cities institute programs such as Special Order 40 and Sanctuary City policies creating safety zones designed to welcome and coddle illegal immigrants. Business on this side of the border exasperate the problem by turning the other way when hiring illegal immigrants contributing to the perception of an entitlement society. It has been said that business has no ideology except for the bottom line. Profit with honor is a virtue.
This nation’s infrastructure is falling apart and needs to be modernized. Our education system is sadly mismanaged, our health care system is under intense financial strain, our police and fire departments are woefully behind the times as far as technology and manpower, and our military needs to be stabilized according to the lessons learned from our ongoing effort of saving the world. (for example from Nazism, Japanese Nationalism, Communism, and Islamic radical fundamentalism.)
The only thing on the horizon that can greatly increase tax revenues across the board, increase profits for businesses, lower the tax burden on the middle class, and create a contrary enhancement to the trickle-down theory (in other words a trickle-up theory), in a relatively short period of time, is the complete overhaul of our entitlement programs including the privatization of Social Security. Democrats are terrified of this because it would render them useless.
Just to prove a point mathematically; it is the difference between the current system (a ponzi scheme) and the magic of compounding interest. It takes the 15.3% extracted primarily from wage earners making less than $100,000 a year and puts that withholding into a personal investment account that will grow during their 40-year working life into millions. The average household in today’s dollars would have a $3.2 million nest egg and a $27,000 a month retirement check. In addition, this nest egg can be passed on to the retiree’s relatives after he dies to ensure his successors could afford the best healthcare, education and housing available.
This last statement means a huge jump in demand for goods and services, which will have to be met locally, which means more jobs and an increase in tax revenue. Enough revenue to Rebuild America.
The political outcome of all of this should be the elimination of socialism as a Democratic goal, resulting in a unifying determination, by both parties, to spread this system throughout all the world. Illegal immigrants will want to go back to their home country: Islam would have to reform or perish and for once we can fight the war on poverty where all humans are given the dignity of opportunity to be healthy, educated and prosper.
One more thing; as far as this man is concerned, humans thrive when they can place their spiritual faith in an idealized higher power. History has proven it and reason demands it.
Jeffers M. Dodge
President Los Angeles Republican’s Alliance
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
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- Nancy Sylvester is a registered and certified expert Parliamentarian, has been consulted as to the legality of the proceedings, and has provided a written report. Quoting from her report: No officers of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County have been properly removed from office. The attempt to fill vacancies at the May 14 meeting was not conducted legally. Chairman Glen Forsch and First Vice Chairman Lydia Gutierrez both have resigned. Therefore according to Article VIII, Section 5.a.(1), after the resignation of Chairman Forsch and First Vice Chairman Gutierrez, Second Vice Chairman Robert Vaughn first became First Vice Chairman and then became Chairman. Robert Vaughn is now the Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County ...Robert Vaughn should mail notice of a call to a meeting of the County Committee or a meeting of the Executive Committee. That notice shall include the day, date, hour, and place of the meeting. According to Article VIII, Section 5.b.(2) the notice of the meeting should include information of what vacancies exist and that they shall be filled at the meeting. The vacancies exist in the positions of First Vice Chairman and Second Vice Chairman.