Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Letter to Ann Coulter

The following is a letter I received from a woman on my email list. I answered her letter by echoing what I believe Ann would have said or believes. I haven't asked her these questions. My answer is what I think Ann might have said, albeit much more witty and smart.

The letter from this woman starts like:

Hi Jeffers, long time no see,

FTR: Am not a Republican and from the looks of it, won't be changing parties soon.

More importantly...there is nothing that would cause me to support, defend, promote, or protect the foul/big-mouthed, usually offensive, self-promoting Ann Coulter. Aside from never having done anything constructive for the AA communities, women of her likeness, and demeanor, have caused our people enough trouble. Had there not been concern over who will be demonstrating against her, may have joined them myself.

Sorry USC extended an invitation to a useless piece of self-serving, hot-air, but oh well, they gave the same grace to Ward Connelly too. Why should black America come out for either one, or the Republican Party? Convince me if you can.

So I answered her in my usual wordy and clumsy way:

Dear ,

Ann Coulter is a Christian. She has a conservative message about family, faith and country. She is a lawyer who discovered that bomb throwing works. It gets attention -- causes people to engage. She is trying her hardest to wake people up to the threat of the anti-women-as-equals Islam. She believes that the government has been ripping middle and lower class people off by charging them 15% of their paychecks and keeping 90% of the interest they would otherwise earn in the guise of Social Security. In other words, a minimum wage worker during his 45 years working life should have over a million dollars in his social security lock box if it had his name on it. Instead it thrown into a communal lock box with everybody's name on it including all the congressmen and senators.

Ann Coulter doesn’t believe in evolution, same sex marriage, welfare that tears apart the home, an education system where 70% of minorities drop out of high schools to join gangs, commit crimes and ends up in jail. She believes the Democrats have no interest in changing this dynamic because this is where they receive their power. Republicans on the other hand get their power from individuals that become wealthy due to their own devices, such as a good education from competitive private schools where the tuition is far less than the $15,000 per student per year that the LAUSD spends.

Think about it. If you were an average American wage earner grossing $40,000 per year and set aside 15% of your paycheck for 45 years you would retire with a monthly Social Security benefit of $26,000 per month instead of the $1,100 per month Social Security currently pays. The $3.5 million nest egg that is in your lockbox could be left to your children when you die instead of nothing the current system offers. Your children could pay for all their families health insurance, private schools and colleges and still have money left over for a nice down payment on a home.

You tell me why the Democrats don’t want this? Is it because they are scared that their platform of poverty, misery and groupthink will become useless? Why are the Democrats so afraid of American success. You can see this in the war in Iraq. I do not know of a single person that doesn’t want our troops home NOW. The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans like me is the Democrats want them to come home losers. Why is that? Do they hate Republicans that much?

I am proud to be a Republican. I am proud to be of the same party of Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves, Ronald Reagan who won the cold war, G W Bush that freed 50 million people in the middle east from tyrants like the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. We are not the party of the KKK — the Democrats are. They still have members in congress that were members of the KKK. We were the ones that wrote the first Civil Rights Bill in Congress — it was the Democrats the filibustered it. It was the Republicans that started the NAACP and lead the women’s suffrage movement. We are the party where we judge people not by their race or gender but by their character, talents and ability. This is where the GROUPS decide they did not like us because we would not pander to their special interests. Look at Condi Rice and Colin Powell... Their parent are proud of their achievements. It wasn’t because of their skin color that got them the job it was their tenacity and their lack of the “Entitlement Mindset” of so many minorities that got them noticed.

Why are the Democrats swarming to listen to Iranian President Ahmadiniejad speak at Columbia University and applauding this man who treats woman as chattel while threatening to wipe Israel and the US off the map? Why are the same Democrats shouting down and inhibiting the right of free speech of people trying to warn them, and us, that these Radical Islamic Fundamentalists who are killing our soldiers in Iraq are our mortal enemies and will not stop until even they are slaughtered or submit to Allah.

Why are you a Democrat? Why are you aboard a sinking ship? Socialism has never worked.

I will let you know how she responds...

About Me

Nancy Sylvester is a registered and certified expert Parliamentarian, has been consulted as to the legality of the proceedings, and has provided a written report. Quoting from her report: No officers of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County have been properly removed from office. The attempt to fill vacancies at the May 14 meeting was not conducted legally. Chairman Glen Forsch and First Vice Chairman Lydia Gutierrez both have resigned. Therefore according to Article VIII, Section 5.a.(1), after the resignation of Chairman Forsch and First Vice Chairman Gutierrez, Second Vice Chairman Robert Vaughn first became First Vice Chairman and then became Chairman. Robert Vaughn is now the Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County ...Robert Vaughn should mail notice of a call to a meeting of the County Committee or a meeting of the Executive Committee. That notice shall include the day, date, hour, and place of the meeting. According to Article VIII, Section 5.b.(2) the notice of the meeting should include information of what vacancies exist and that they shall be filled at the meeting. The vacancies exist in the positions of First Vice Chairman and Second Vice Chairman.